Slurm Command: squeue
The squeue
command allows you to view currently running and pending jobs.
Representative Example
hpc-login-1:~$ squeue
1583165 highmem 20200702 usr PD 0:00 1 (DependencyNeverSatisfied)
1605901 critical variant_ holtgrem PD 0:00 1 (DependencyNeverSatisfied)
1605902 critical variant_ holtgrem PD 0:00 1 (Dependency)
1605905 critical variant_ holtgrem PD 0:00 1 (DependencyNeverSatisfied)
1605916 critical wgs_sv_c holtgrem PD 0:00 1 (Dependency)
1607103 medium wgs_sv_a holtgrem PD 0:00 1 (DependencyNeverSatisfied)
Slurm Documentation: squeue
Please also see the official Slurm documentation on squeue.
Important Arguments¶
-- Only display jobs running on certain nodes (e.g., GPU nodes).--format
-- Define the format to print, seeman squeue
for details. See below for a format string that includes the jobid, partition, job name, user name, job status, running time, number of nodes, number of CPU cores, and allocated GPUs.
The following aliases in ~/.bashrc
will allow you to print a long and informative squeue
output with sq
, pipe it into less with sql
, get only your jobs (adjust the alias
to your account) using sqme
and pipe that into less with sqmel
alias sq='squeue -o "%.10i %9P %60j %10u %.2t %.10M %.6D %.4C %10R %b" "$@"'
alias sql='sq "$@" | less -S'
alias sqme='sq -u YOURUSER_c_or_m "$@"'
alias sqmel='sqme "$@" | less -S'