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Slurm Command Format Strings

In the sections Slurm Quickstart and Slurm Cheat Sheet, we have seen that sinfo and squeue allow for the compact display partitions/nodes and node information. In contrast, scontrol show job <id> and scontrol show partition <id> and scontrol show node <id> show comprehensive information that quickly gets hard to comprehend for multiple entries.

Now you might ask: is there anything in between? And: yes, there is.

You can tune the output of sinfo and squeue using parameters, in particular by providing format strings. All of this is described in the man pages of the commands that you can display with man sinfo and man squeue on the cluster.

Tuning sinfo Output

Notable arguments of sinfo are:

  • -N, --Node -- uncompress the usual lines and display one line per node and partition.
  • -s, --summarize -- compress the node state, more compact display.
  • -R, --list-reasons -- for nodes that are not up, display reason string provided by admin.
  • -o <fmt>, --format=<fmt> -- use format string for display.

The most interesting argument is -o/--format. The man page lists the following values that are used when using other arguments. In other words, many of the display modifications could also be applied with -o/--format.

default        "%#P %.5a %.10l %.6D %.6t %N"
--summarize    "%#P %.5a %.10l %.16F  %N"
--long         "%#P %.5a %.10l %.10s %.4r %.8h %.10g %.6D %.11T %N"
--Node         "%#N %.6D %#P %6t"
--long --Node  "%#N %.6D %#P %.11T %.4c %.8z %.6m %.8d %.6w %.8f %20E"
--list-reasons "%20E %9u %19H %N"
--long --list-reasons
                "%20E %12U %19H %6t %N"

The best way to learn more about this is to play around with sinfo -o, starting out with one of the format strings above. Details about the format strings are described in man sinfo. Some remarks here:

  • %<num><char> displays the value represented by <char> padded with spaces to the right such that a width of <num> is reached,
  • %.<num><char> displays the value represented by <char> padded with spaces to the left such that a width of <num> is reached, and
  • %#<char> displays the value represented by <char> padded with spaces to the max length of the value represented by <char> (this is a "virtual" value, used internally only, you cannot use this and you will have to place an integer here).

For example, to create a grouped display with reasons for being down use:

hpc-login-1:~$ sinfo -o "%10P %.5a %.10l %.16F  %40N %E"
PARTITION  AVAIL  TIMELIMIT   NODES(A/I/O/T)  NODELIST                                 REASON
debug*        up    8:00:00        0/0/16/16  med[0703-0710,0740-0742,0744-0745,0749,0 bogus node
debug*        up    8:00:00      18/98/0/116  med[0104-0124,0127,0133-0148,0151-0164,0 none
medium        up 7-00:00:00        0/0/16/16  med[0703-0710,0740-0742,0744-0745,0749,0 bogus node
medium        up 7-00:00:00      18/98/0/116  med[0104-0124,0127,0133-0148,0151-0164,0 none
long          up 28-00:00:0        0/0/16/16  med[0703-0710,0740-0742,0744-0745,0749,0 bogus node
long          up 28-00:00:0      18/98/0/116  med[0104-0124,0127,0133-0148,0151-0164,0 none
critical      up 7-00:00:00        0/0/16/16  med[0703-0710,0740-0742,0744-0745,0749,0 bogus node
critical      up 7-00:00:00      18/98/0/116  med[0104-0124,0127,0133-0148,0151-0164,0 none
highmem       up 14-00:00:0          0/4/0/4  med[0401-0404]                           none
gpu           up 14-00:00:0          3/1/0/4  med[0301-0304]                           none

Tuning squeue Output

The standard squeue output might yield the following

hpc-login-1:~$ squeue | head
              3149    medium variant_ holtgrem PD       0:00      1 (Dependency)
              1177    medium     bash jweiner_  R 6-03:32:41      1 med0127
              1192    medium     bash jweiner_  R 5-12:48:57      1 med0127
              1210       gpu     bash hilberta  R 2-16:10:51      1 med0304
              1213      long     bash schubacm  R 2-15:22:44      1 med0127
              2401       gpu     bash ramkem_c  R 2-10:55:10      1 med0303
              3063      long     bash schubacm  R 1-09:52:54      1 med0127
              3066      long     bash schubacm  R 1-09:52:04      1 med0127
              3147    medium ngs_mapp holtgrem  R 1-03:13:42      1 med0148

Looking at man squeue, we learn that the default format strings are:

default        "%.18i %.9P %.8j %.8u %.2t %.10M %.6D %R"
-l, --long     "%.18i %.9P %.8j %.8u %.8T %.10M %.9l %.6D %R"
-s, --steps    "%.15i %.8j %.9P %.8u %.9M %N"

This looks a bit wasteful. Let's cut down on the padding of the job ID and expand on the job name and remove some right paddings.

hpc-login-1:~$ squeue -o "%.6i %9P %30j %.10u %.2t %.10M %.6D %R %b" | head
 JOBID PARTITION NAME                                 USER ST       TIME  NODES NODELIST(REASON)
  3149 medium    variant_calling                holtgrem_c PD       0:00      1 (Dependency)
  1177 medium    bash                            jweiner_m  R 6-03:35:55      1 med0127
  1192 medium    bash                            jweiner_m  R 5-12:52:11      1 med0127
  1210 gpu       bash                           hilberta_c  R 2-16:14:05      1 med0304
  1213 long      bash                           schubacm_c  R 2-15:25:58      1 med0127
  2401 gpu       bash                             ramkem_c  R 2-10:58:24      1 med0303
  3063 long      bash                           schubacm_c  R 1-09:56:08      1 med0127
  3066 long      bash                           schubacm_c  R 1-09:55:18      1 med0127
  3147 medium    ngs_mapping                    holtgrem_c  R 1-03:16:56      1 med0148

Displaying Resources

Now display how many of our internal projects still exist.

hpc-login-1:~$ squeue -o "%.6i %9P %30j %.10u %.2t %.10M %.6D %10R %s" | head

The next steps are (TODO):

  • setup of certificate for containers
  • opening firewall apropriately
  • integrate with openmpi documentation