The file formats in the static_data/db
folder are mostly .vcf
or .bed
files. We provide the following databases:
Database | Version | Reference genome |
COSMIC | v72 | GRCh37 |
dbNSFP | 2.9 | GRCh37/hg19 |
dbSNP | b128 | mm9 |
dbSNP | b128 | NCBIM37 |
dbSNP | b142 | GRCh37 |
dbSNP | b144 | GRCh38 |
dbSNP | b147 | GRCh37 |
dbSNP | b147 | GRCh38 |
dbSNP | b150 | GRCh37 |
dbSNP | b150 | GRCh38 |
DGV | 2015-07-23 | GRCh37 |
ExAC | release0.3 | GRCh37/hg19 |
ExAC | release0.3.1 | GRCh37/hg19 |
giab | NA12878_HG001/NISTv2.19 | GRCh37 |
goldenpath | variable | GRCh37 |
goldenpath | variable | hg19 |
goldenpath | variable | mm9 |
goldenpath | variable | NCBIM37 |
SangerMousegenomesProject | REL-1211-SNPs_Indels | mm9 |
SangerMousegenomesProject | REL-1211-SNPs_Indels | NCBIM37 |
UK10K cohort | REL-2012-06-02 | GRCh37 |
The directory structure is as follows:
│ └── v72
│ └── GRCh37
├── dbNSFP
│ └── 2.9
├── dbSNP
│ ├── b128
│ │ ├── mm9
│ │ └── NCBIM37
│ ├── b142
│ │ └── GRCh37
│ ├── b144
│ │ └── GRCh38
│ └── b147
│ ├── GRCh37
│ └── GRCh38
├── DGV
│ └── 2015-07-23
│ └── GRCh37
├── ExAC
│ ├── release0.3
│ └── release0.3.1
├── giab
│ └── NA12878_HG001
│ └── NISTv2.19
├── goldenpath
│ └── variable
│ ├── GRCh37
│ ├── hg19
│ ├── mm9
│ └── NCBIM37
├── SangerMouseGenomesProject
│ └── REL-1211-SNPs_Indels
│ ├── mm9
│ └── NCBIM37
└── UK10K_cohort
└── REL-2012-06-02