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Slurm Command: sbatch

The sbatch command allows you to put a job into the scheduler's queue to be executed at a later time.

Representative Example

# Execute in partition medium with 4 threads and 4GB of RAM total for a
# running time of up to one day.
hpc-login-1:~$ sbatch --partition=medium --mem=4G --ntasks 4 --time=1-00
Submitted batch job JOB_ID

The command will create a batch job and add it to the queue to be executed at a later point in time.

Slurm Documentation: sbatch

Please also see the official Slurm documentation on sbatch.

Important Arguments

  • --array -- Submit jobs as array jobs. Also see the section [#array-jobs] below.
  • --nodes -- The number of nodes to allocate. This is only given here as an important argument as the maximum number of nodes allocatable to any partition but mpi is set to one (1). This is done as there are few users on the BIH HPC that actually use multi-node paralleilsm. Rather, most users will use multi-core parallelism and might forget to limit the number of nodes which causes inefficient allocation of resources.
  • --cpus-per-task -- This corresponds to the number of CPU cores allocated to each task.
  • --mem -- The memory to allocate for the job. As you can define minimal and maximal number of tasks/CPUs/cores, you could also specify --mem-per-cpu and get more flexible scheduling of your job.
  • --gres -- Generic resource allocation. On the BIH HPC, this is only used for allocating GPUS, e.g., with --gres=gpu:tesla:2, a user could allocate two NVIDIA Tesla GPUs on the same host (use a40 instead of tesla for the A40 GPUs).
  • --licenses -- On the BIH HPC, this is used for the allocation of MATLAB 2016b licenses only.
  • --partition -- The partition to run in. Also see the Job Scheduler section.
  • --time -- Specify the running time, see man sbatch or the official Slurm documentation on srun for supported formats. **Please note that the DRMA API only accepts the hours:minutes format.
  • --dependency -- Specify dependencies on other jobs, e.g., using --dependency afterok:JOBID to only execute if the job with ID JOBID finished successfully or --dependency after:JOBID to wait for a job to finish regardless of its termination status.
  • --constraint -- Require one or more features from your node. On the BIH HPC, the processor generation is defined as a feature on the nodes, e.g., haswell, or special networking such as infiniband. You can have a look at /etc/slurm/slurm.conf on all configured features.
  • --output -- The path to the output log file (by default joining stdout and stderr, see the man page on --error on how to redirect stderr separately). A various number of placeholders is available, see the "filename pattern" section of man sbatch or the official Slurm documentation on srun.
  • --mail-type=<type> -- Send out notifications by email when an event occurs. Use FAIL to get emails when your job fails. Also see the documentation of sbatch in the Slurm manual.
  • --mail-user=<email> -- The email address to send to. Must end in,, or

Ensure your --output directory exists!

In the case that the path to the log/output file does not exist, the job will just fail. scontrol show job ID will report JobState=FAILED Reason=NonZeroExitCode. Regrettably, no further information is displayed to you as the user. Always check that the path to the directories in StdErr and StdOut exists when checking scontrol show job ID.

Other Arguments

  • --job-name

Job Scripts

Also see the section Slurm Job Scripts on how to embed the sbatch parameters in #SBATCH lines.

Array Jobs

If you have many (say, more than 10) similar jobs (e.g., when performing a grid search), you can also use array jobs. However, you should also consider whether it would make sense to increase the time of your jobs, e.g, to be at least ~10min.

You can submit array jobs by specifying -a EXPR or --array EXPR where EXPR is a range or a list (of course, you can also add this as an #SBATCH header in your job script). For example:

hpc-login-1 ~# sbatch -a 1-3
hpc-login-1 ~# sbatch -a 1,2,5-10

This will submit with certain variables set:

  • SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID -- the ID of the first job
  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID -- the index of the job in the array
  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT -- number of submitted jobs in array
  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MAX -- higehst job array index value
  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MIN -- lowest job array index value

Using array jobs has several advantages:

  • It greatly reduces the load on the Slurm scheduler.
  • You do not need to submit in a loop, but rather
  • You can use a single command line.

Also see Slurm documentation on job arrays.

For example, if you submit sbatch --array=1-3 and slurm responsds with Submitted batch job 36 then the script will be run three times with the following prameters set:





  • This is the primary entry point for creating batch jobs to be executed at a later point in time.
  • As with all jobs allocated by Slurm, interactive sessions executed with sbatch are governed by resource allocations, in particular:
    • sbatch jobs have a maximal running time set,
    • sbatch jobs have a maximal memory and number of cores set, and
    • also see scontrol show job JOBID.