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Snakemake with Slurm

This page describes how to use Snakemake with Slurm.


  • This assumes that you have Miniforge properly setup with Bioconda.
  • Also it assumes that you have already activated the Miniforge base environment with source miniforge/bin/activate.

Environment Setup

We first create a new environment snakemake-slurm and activate it. We need the snakemake package for this.

host:~$ conda create -y -n snakemake-slurm snakemake
# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate snakemake-slurm
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate
host:~$ conda activate snakemake-slurm
(snakemake-slurm) host:~$

Snakemake Workflow Setup

We create a workflow and ensure that it works properly with multi-threaded Snakemake (no cluster submission here!)

host:~$ mkdir -p snake-slurm
host:~$ cd snake-slurm
host:snake-slurm$ cat >Snakefile <<"EOF"
rule default:
    input: "the-result.txt"

rule mkresult:
    output: "the-result.txt"
    shell: r"sleep 1m; touch the-result.txt"
host:snake-slurm$ snakemake --cores=1
host:snake-slurm$ ls
Snakefile  the-result.txt
host:snake-slurm$ rm the-result.txt

Snakemake and 🎉 Slurm

You have two options:

  1. Simply use snakemake --profile=cubi-v1 and the Snakemake resource configuration as shown below. STRONGLY PREFERRED
  2. Use the snakemake --cluster='sbatch ...' command.

Note that we sneaked in a sleep 1m? In a second terminal session, we can see that the job has been submitted to SLURM indeed.

host:~$ squeue  -u holtgrem_c
               325     debug snakejob holtgrem  R       0:47      1 med0127

Threads & Resources

The cubi-v1 profile (stored in /etc/xdg/snakemake/cubi-v1 on all cluster nodes) supports the following specification in your Snakemake rule:

  • threads: the number of threads to execute the job on
  • memory in a syntax understood by Slurm, EITHER
    • resources.mem/resources.mem_mb: the memory to allocate for the whole job, OR
    • resources.mem_per_thread: the memory to allocate for each thread.
  • resources.time: the running time of the rule, in a syntax supported by Slurm, e.g. HH:MM:SS or D-HH:MM:SS
  • resources.partition: the partition to submit your job into (Slurm will pick a fitting partition for you by default)
  • resources.nodes: the number of nodes to schedule your job on (defaults to 1 and you will want to keep that value unless you want to use MPI)

You will need Snakemake >=7.0.2 for this.

Here is how to call Snakemake:

# snakemake --profile=cubi-v1 -j1

To set rule-specific resources:

rule myrule:
    threads: 1
    input: # ...
    output: # ...
    shell: # ...

You can combine this with Snakemake resource callables, of course:

def myrule_mem(wildcards, attempt):
    mem = 2 * attempt
    return '%dG' % mem

rule snps:
    threads: 1
    input: # ...
    output: # ...
    shell: # ...

Custom logging directory

By default, slurm will write log files into the working directory of snakemake, which will look like slurm-$jobid.out.

To change this behaviour, the environment variable SBATCH_DEFAULTS can be set to re-route the --output parameter. If you want to write your files into slurm_logs with a filename pattern of $name-$jobid for instance, consider the following snippet for your submission script:

#SBATCH --job-name=snakemake_main_job
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=48:10:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=300M
#SBATCH --output=slurm_logs/%x-%j.log

mkdir -p slurm_logs
export SBATCH_DEFAULTS=" --output=slurm_logs/%x-%j.log"

srun snakemake --use-conda -j1 --profile=cubi-v1

The name of the snakemake slurm job will be snakemake_main_job, the name of the jobs spawned from it will be called after the rule name in the Snakefile.